My subject today is a Quilting Design Wall.
When I start a quilt … I typically take an old quilt …. lay it on the floor and then lay my new blocks on top.
Sometimes I make it larger than the previous quilt and sometimes it’s smaller.
Since I’m a visual person ….. it’s way easier for me to place blocks on top of blocks.
But … bending over … is becoming more and more difficult … so much so that I googled the subject.
And wouldn’t you know I discovered a wonderful thing called a Quilting Design Wall!
There are tons of How to make your own Design Wall pictures and instructions ….. or you can buy one online.
I went back and forth …. should I buy one or not … and then it hit me ….. way back when I did Craft Fairs I had made dividers for my booth …using Sturdy Boards.
So, I went in search of my 40 x 60 Sturdy Board (hidden in back of storage in basement). This reason alone is why I never throw things away!
Next I attached a White Vinyl tablecloth backwards …on top of the Sturdy Board ..using Binder Clips. (Tablecloth was saved from way back when we had Chase or Brooke’s graduation party.)
If you have some Flannel fabric that will work .. but the Vinyl Tablecloth works like a charm!
Ignore the wrinkles … they bother me …. but not enough to figure out how to get them out. I fear an iron would melt the vinyl tablecloth! I may have Dave help me tape it on the board ….. or I could use Basting Spray … I think. Like I said it bothers me …but not enough to take action.
Now for the quilt …. these are blocks I had leftover from when I made my aunt Betsy’s quilt (back in 2010) …. if you look closely (at the first picture) you can see I needed to make 25 more blocks to complete the quilt .. and I already had all the squares and diamonds cut (and the white fabric).
Here’s a video of the Quilt Design Wall